The tear of the firefighters when not being able to do more…

According to María Francia Utard, GFSC volunteer and author of this testimony, one of the most shocking experiences in the psychosocial reconstruction work was when she worked with the Fire Department, in the city of Constitución, after the earthquake that struck Chile in February 2010,...

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From physical disability and sadness to hope and autonomy

This story narrates the experience of working with a group of people of different ages and conditions, survivors of the great tragedy of Armero, Colombia, in 1985, which claimed more than 20,000 lives and completely destroyed the city. These survivors were treated with a Comprehensive...

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Recovering Singing after the Earthquake

In this story, María Francia Utard, a GFSC volunteer, summarizes her challenging and moving experience, along with two facilitators from D&E Asesoría, from Guayaquil, Beccy Torres and Sandy Espinel, and Ximena Combariza, from GFSC, working with the GFSC model to help a community in the...

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GFSC Experiences in Mocoa, Colombia

This story narrates the experience of two GFSC volunteers, Juan Ricardo Orduz and Ximena Combariza, in the city of Mocoa, capital of the Putumayo Department, in southern Colombia, which in 2017 was affected by a huge avalanche, which charged many lives and destroyed more than...

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Training Student Leaders in Risk Prevention

This story, told by a GFSC volunteer in Venezuela, Miriam Castillo, exalts the importance of education, the need to create a culture of prevention in risk management and the significance of transforming the warnings and the emergency into coordinated inter-institutional work. Read more...

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The Voluntary Crisis. The Face B of a Disaster

GFSC has done various works with communities affected by several disasters in Chile during the last 10 years. Two of the GFSC volunteers in Chile, Yelmo Duran and Enrique Rabajille give testimony of their work with a community from Cerro La Cruz in Valparaiso, about...

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