Unhurried Conversations Hosting Guide. Johnnie Moore

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  • Create Date Tuesday August 9th, 2022
  • Last Updated August 9, 2022

Unhurried Conversations Hosting Guide. Johnnie Moore

The author of this guide is Johnnie Moore, also the author of the book Unhurried at Work and a co-founder of Creative Facilitation. He is a visiting tutor on the Oxford Strategic Leadership Programme at the Saïd Business School and an occasional contributor to Fast Company magazine. “In an Unhurried Conversation, there is time to think differently and connect with people in a refreshing way, says Johnnie. This special type of conversation provides an opportunity for people to connect in a meaningful way, where the conversation is allowed to flow naturally. The experience can be therapeutic, comforting, enlightening, and insightful, and can be helpful for people who want and/or need to connect, whether in a crisis or noncrisis situation.

An Unhurried Conversation can be about anything, nothing or a specified topic. It is a respectful go-with-the-flow conversation where people speak uninterrupted and listen without judgment. They take turns only sharing what they want, when they want and if they want to share. Each person has the opportunity to respond to what was said, take the conversation in a new direction, or listen without any pressure to speak. The facilitator is also a participant. Unhurried Conversations can be held in-person or online.

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Unhurried Conversations Hosting Guide. Johnnie Moore.Apr2020Download