GFSC workshop for facilitators from Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia and Colombia

Between October 23 and November 13, 2024, GFSC conducted a virtual training program in its Crisis-Change-Choice Model, whose participants were a very active and enthusiastic group, including psychologists, consultants, coaches and facilitators from Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia and Colombia. The team of GFSC facilitators who prepared and developed this training was formed by María Francia Utard, Miriam Castillo, Francisco Fernandez, Raul Silveira and Ximena Combariza.

This program arose from GFSC’s participation in the “International Gathering of Gente Medicina”, held in Querétaro, Mexico, in September 2024. Some of the participants in this event requested that we carry out this training, given their interest in preparing themselves to help communities affected by crises and/or natural disasters in their countries.

The entire group participated actively and enthusiastically, contributing their own experiences in supporting individuals or groups in crisis situations, making the program very enriching for both the group itself and the GFSC team. All participants expressed their intention to apply what they had learned in different situations, such as helping some communities affected by Hurricane John, which hit the southern Pacific coast of Mexico in September 2024.